Wooden Stairs with a white mastic applied on joins


Stairs are becoming a really popular area in the household to have sealed, hiding any larger gaps in the joins and also creating a sleek modern look to your home.  
Stairs are becoming ever more popular to being sealed with a Mastic join, this can help to hide joins and create a cleaner more minmalist style to your home, we also work on spiral staircases on steps and exteriors where glass can sometimes meet the wood to help hide the join between the two materials. 
With a wide variety of colours and the correct mastic, we will promise the finish you are looking for. Here are some examples of staircases we have worked on. 
If you have a natural stone staircase or tile we make sure the silicone is best suited for natural stone to prevent any of the oils staining. Contact us today for any questions you may have or a hassle free quote. 
Office staircase with silicone join applied to edging
Curved stairs with white mastic applied to the outer edge on glass join where the panel meets the wood
white silicone applied to stair joins and hand rail
spiral staircase in a commercial building with Black mastic on glass outer edge
sink with white silicone on joins
grey stone sink with matching silicone sealant
silicone on rear of sink
sink in commercial building